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Mistakes To Avoid


1. Seriousness of Investigation

Do not be misled into thinking the investigation is not disciplinary or penal in nature just because the investigator may be called a “medical quality assurance investigator." These investigations may lead to discipline which includes revocation of your licenses and thousands of dollars in fines and costs.

2. Role of Investigator

At times, it may seem that the investigator is on the side of the licensee by assisting them in sharing their side of the story to the prosecuting attorney at the Department of Health.  Wrong.  The investigator will attempt to obtain a written response or personal interview and everything you say is turned over to a prosecuting attorney at the Department of Health who can use those statements, admissions, and possible contradictions against you.  The investigator cannot close the case and is only gather information to provide to an attorney to review.

3. Costs

Many people are concerned about the cost of hiring a private attorney to represent them during the investigation stage and will want to wait and see if an Administrative Complaint is going to be filed before hiring an attorney.  This is a huge mistake.  The Department of Health is billing for the time of their investigators and attorneys spend on your case and if an Administrative Complaint if filed that bill is sent to you to pay as part of your disciplinary action.  If the case is closed at Probable Cause then you never receive a bill from the Department for the investigation. We have over a 90% success rate in obtaining closure at the Probable Cause Panel which then saves our clients public disciplinary action and money.  Yes, it is often less expensive to retain my services than to go the process alone.

Often times, there is a change of employment when an investigation is initiated with the Department of Health.  We work with our clients to set up an initial retainer and monthly payment plan to accommodate your financial needs.

4. Voluntary Relinquishment

I receive a Voluntary Relinquishment form from the Department of Health and need to relinquish my license.  No.  Stop.  Do not sign the Voluntary Relinquishment of your license without consulting an attorney.  Regardless of the circumstances, relinquishing your license while there is a pending investigation has long reaching and lasting impact on any other professional license currently held or desired in the future.  The Voluntary Relinquishment form is often included in the notification of investigation and / or with the Administrative Complaint, but that does not at all mean that the Department is seeking revocation of your license.  Consult an experienced attorney to discuss your options.

5. IPN/PRN Referral

“I was referred to IPN/PRN by my employer so I must contact IPN/PRN." IPN is the Intervention Project for Nurses and PRN is the Professionals Resource Network. While the program assists licensees who struggle with addiction, it is not appropriate for everyone.  Once you sign the paperwork with IPN/PRN you will be required to refrain from practicing until IPN/PRN deems that you are safe to practice. Any non-compliance with IPN/PRN will be reported to the Department of Health for prosecution.  IPN/PRN contracts usually range anywhere from 2 to 5 years. Before contacting IPN, call my office to discuss in detail the process.

Megan Blancho, P.A., Attorney at Law
All rights reserved. 

Florida Bar Number 

FBN: 0860921

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