Many applicants fail to disclose prior criminal charges because the case was dismissed or because it is was “just a criminal traffic” case. When the applicant’s criminal history identifies a prior criminal charge the applicant is notified by the Board Office and an explanation of the incident required. If an applicant obtains approval for a license and the criminal history is later discovered, the licensee now faces a violation of the nurse practice act for obtaining a license by knowing misrepresentations, or through an error of the Department or Board in violation of F.S. 464.018(1)(a).
Certain criminal charges can be reviewed by the Board Office for the Florida Board of Nursing for approval while others require review by the Board of Nursing. When the applicant’s criminal history requires Board approval the matter will be scheduled for a public meeting and the applicant provided an opportunity to appear with or without counsel. Prior to submitting your application, contact Megan to discuss your criminal history and the procedures for licensure.
Megan is a former criminal prosecutor and former prosecutor for the Florida Department of Health and uses her knowledge and experience to assist nurse applicants with accurately responding to requested information, disclosures and explanations regarding past criminal matters. The legal fees for assistance is minimal depending on the extent of the criminal history.
Call for assistance at (850) 307-5665 or toll free at 1-800-659-7547.